As soon as you place an order, we’ll send you an email confirming the order details including our VAT information. If this hasn’t arrived in your inbox yet, have a look in your ‘junk’ folder.

Gift Vouchers are available in £5’s, £10’s and £20’s – the vouchers make a great present for a special celebration. If required, we will send it beautifully wrapped. The voucher will have a redeeming code to be entered when ordering and a use by date. Vouchers are valid for six months from order date.

Can I Change my Delivery Address?

Just contact us and we’ll update your details. You can do this at any time up until 24 hours before we dispatch your item. If your items have already been dispatched, changing your delivery address isn’t usually possible, and you may be charged for arranging redelivery.

Can I Cancel my Order?

You are free to cancel your order and get a full refund up until the product has been dispatched in the UK. Please contact us on 01271 370095 or [email protected] and we’ll cancel the order for you.


Now accepting international orders online.

Before you go enter your email address

You could win a £50 voucher in our monthly prize draw.

*This information will only be used to send you newsletters.